Nurse Betty

Starring Renee Zellweger, Morgan Freeman, Chris Rock, Greg Kinnear, Aaron Eckhart, Crispin Glover, Taylor-Vince Pruitt, Tia Texada, Alison Janney, Sheila Kelley. Directed by Neil LaBute.

Betty (Zellweger)works as a waitress in a diner in small-town Kansas. Betty religiously watches the soap opera A Reason To Live and has an obsessive crush on the lead doctor Dr. David Ravell (Kinnear). Her boorish and redneck husband Del (Eckhart) sells cars and has big ambitions. Those ambitions don't include Betty, but do include his secretary (Kelley), which he creates excuses to see. But his other ambitions have landed him in trouble - two hitmen (Freeman and Rock) arrive in town sent by the men he stole some "product" from.

Unfortunately, Betty witnesses the brutal killing while watching her soap, and falls into a fantasy world to forget the horror. She believes she's left Del to reunite with ex-fiance Dr. David Ravell, and takes off for L.A. County General to find him. The hitmen find out she was a witness to the murder, and set out to find her, travelling across America. Betty, with the help of her new roommate Rosa (Texada), meets actor George (who plays Ravell) and his producer (Janney). They think Betty is just staying in character when she always calls him Ravell - for three straight days. Ravell falls for Betty and thinks she's so good an actress that she should appear on the soap. But things start to get messy.

I loved LaBute's two excellent black comedies In The Company Of Men and Your Friends and Neighbours and I had high hopes for Nurse Betty. And there is a lot to like about it, besides a great cast and some pretty good dialogue. The premise of a person addicted to soap operas falling into a fantastic world all in her mind is interesting. But the problem is that Nurse Betty can't decide whether it wants to be a light romantic comedy or an insightful black comedy analysing people's desire to escape their own lives and adopt a soap opera instead. As a result, it does not successfully accomplish either. And the cast and producer of the soap buying Betty's delusion as a good acting job quickly becomes unbelievable. But much of the road trip is a lot of fun, especially at the end of the film and the surprise it reveals.

Nurse Betty boasts an excellent cast, with Morgan Freeman standing out as as the principled hitman who believes in his work, and carrying it out in a professional manner. Rock shows flashes of his foul-mouthed brilliance as his cocky sidekick. His best line, which made me think of George W., is when Freeman says "I'm stuck in pergatory", and Rock says "Worse. You're in Texas." Zellweger is perfectly airy as the highly deluded soap addict, and Janney is great in support. Nurse Betty is not exactly just what the doctor ordered, but it does provide a decent journey along the way.

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