The Rijksmuseum is the national museum of the Netherlands, housing primarily Dutch and Flemish art
from such artists as Rembrandt, Vermeer and Steen.
Touch a number to see a picture

Cycling in central Amsterdam

Canals and brick bridges are plentiful throughout central Amsterdam, as are bicycles chained to railings wherever spare space is found

Dr. J along a canal

The back of de Nieuwe Kirk Amsterdam

Dam Square in the heart of central Amsterdam

Dr. J along the canal, on the way back from the Anne Frank Museum, near sunset

The sun gets ready to set along the canal

The Rijksmuseum

Close-up of the artistic brick work on the side of the Rijksmuseum

Sneaking a picture of the Rembrandt room, where the museum attendants are the best I've ever seen at browbeating those who would dare snap a picture

The back of the Rijksmuseum, featuring Girl with a Large Hat, by Caesar van Everdingen

Skateboard park by the Rijksmuseum

Amsterdam Concert Hall