Above: From the Heraklion Archaeological Museum, weapons from "warrior" graves found mainly at Knossos, 1400-1300 BC.
1 is the remains of a wall painting depicting an athlete running - notice how the fresco has been created with just one small piece to guide.
2 is a fragment from the Procession Fresco in Room VIII at the Knossos Palace, 1500-1400 BC.
3 is a luxury rhyton of rock crystal made with crystal beads, ivory discs and wire for the handle, Zakros Sanctuary, around 1450 BC.
4 is a wall fresco from Knossos, 1600-1450 BC.
5 is a stone tablet indicating allocation of labour by an economic agent, 1650-1500 BC.
6 is a clay figurine of four men dancing from Kamilari in Crete, 1500-1450 BC.
7 is a burial pithoi from Knossos, 1700-1450 BC. During this period people were buried in
wooden coffins, beds, amphoras, larnakes (small closed coffins) and pithoi.
8 is a palace jar from Knossos, 1450-1400 BC.
9 is a ritual jug with spikes from Katsambas east of Heraklion in Crete, 1450-1350 BC.
10 is the Poppy Goddess from a sanctuary in Gazi, Crete, 1400-1100 BC.
11 is a closeup of the head of anther goddess figurine, with a diadem (crown) of birds and circles, 1400-1100 BC.