Egypt: Day 7
September 22, 2022

Above: A wall of little pharaohs with hieroglyphs in Karnak.
1 to 4 show the art work on the columns in the Great Hypostyle Hall, including the pharaoh with blue lotus, and #3 Amun with the pharaoh.
5 shows the two obelisks after the Great Hypostyle Hall, from Thutmose I on the right, and Hatshepsut on the left.
6 is the Obelisk of Thutmose I.
7 to 10 shows the Obelisk of Hatshepsut. The walls part way up around the obelisk were started when Hatshepsut was order removed from the List of
Kings but the purge lasted only a couple of years.
11 and 12 show the view back to the Great Hypostyle Hall and a side hall.
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