Above: The Louis Vuitton store window, with a dinosaur showing off the handbags
Picture 1 is a quite nice Level 3 Eiffel Tower view northwest towards Trocadéro and La Defense, where the top French corporations live
Picture 2 is a Level 3 Eiffel Tower view southeast along the Champs de Mars
Picture 3 is another scary face from Level 3 of the Eiffel Tower
Pictures 4 and 5 are views coming down the Tower elevators and by the base of the Tower
Picture 6 to 8 is a Louis Vuitton dinosaur, and two views of a massive knitted piece signifying life, in the top floor art exhibit
Picture 9 is the Louis Vuitton lobby
Pictures 10 and 11, two female views, one real and one pop art
Pictures 12 and 13 is the monumental fountain in Place Saint-Michel, with the Archangel Saint-Michel slaying a dragon
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