Pompei is spelled with one 'i' in Italy, so I have followed their lead. Pompei suffered catastrophic destruction on August 24 in 79 A.D., with an estimated 2000 citizens dead
(although thousands successfully left the city prior to the full eruption), when nearby Mt. Vesuvius erupted, spewing ash and bringing intense heat (the heat is thought to have done most of the killing),
dropping about 25 meters of ash on the city. The city had experienced a bad eruption in 62 A.D., had rebuilt some keys areas, but were still rebuilding.
The town underneath the debris was rediscovered in 1599, and some excavations began in the mid 1700's, but much more so in the 1800's and thereafter. When you arrive in Pompei, and start walking
around, the ancient city is surprisingly large. Most of the city has been dug out completely, but excavation work still continues to be done.

Above: A pompeii citizen who died from the heat and ash, now in storage
Pictures 1 to 5 are views of numerous homes, baths and ruins near the entrance to the city
Picture 6 is the area just outside ancient Pompei moving into the modern city
Pictures 8 and 9 show the Pompei Basilica
Pictures 11 and 12 are numerous artifacts recovered, that weren't pilfered by raiders or sent to museums