Above: Picasso's masterpiece, and while I'm not a fan of Picasso, this piece is impressive. In 1937, Picasso stopped all his other work in Paris to
concentrate on this anti-war canvas, a response to Spanish fascist dictator Franco (1939-1975) inviting Hitler's Luftwaffe to test their bombs and
aid in the Spanish Civil War on Franco's behalf by bombing the small Basque city of Gernika, killing over 1600 people and decimating the city.
Picasso refused to return to Spain while Franco was in power, and never did, dying in France in 1973, two years prior to Franco's death in 1975.
Below: Picture 1 is "ZAJ, Musical Theatre Concert" by Juan Hidalgo.
Picture 3 is a painting by Spanish painter Joan Miro, who is a guy - Joan means John in Spanish.
His work is considered first class modern art - he has his own museum in Barcelona. Yeah, I don't get it either.
Picture 4 is the famous photo by Bunuel and Dali friend Man Ray.
Picture 5 is "Woman by the Window", by Salvador Dali.
Picture 6 is "Portrait of a Woman", by Salvador Dali.
Picture 7 is a portrait of surrealist film director and collaborater Luis Bunuel. Both he and Dali worked
on Bunuel's dream-made-into the 1929 surreal and very weird film "Un Chien Andaulou" together.
Picture 8 is "Memory of A Child-Woman", by Salvador Dali.
Picture 9 is "The Invisible Man", by Salvador Dali.
Picture 10 A self-portrait of Salvador Dali. No, really, it is.
Picture 12 is "Woman in Blue", by Pablo Picasso.
Pictures 13 and 14 are pictures on the first floor going outside into the peaceful interior courtyard.
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