Above: A ranch raising goats near Makawao, on the side of Mt. Haleakala.
Below: Pictures 1 and 2 show goats on the ranch near Makawao.
Pictures 3 to 5 show a field growing pineapple, one of the very last producing the sweet Maui Gold pineapples. Our bike riding guide
estimated they would be gone in a year or two, because few people were willing to do the very hard work. But I heard that in 2004.
Pictures 6 and 7 are looking down into the central valley of Maui from the farm fields near Makawao.
Pictures 8 and 9 are of the beautiful stone church, the Makawao Union Church.
Pictures 10 to 13 show views of Pa'ia, including Hemp House, which sells clothing, soap and even food made from Hemp, and a real estate ad for the bachelor condo I stayed in.