Above: Another mosaic inside the House of Venus, The Abduction of Hylas by the Naiads (Nymphs), at Volubilis.
1 to 10 show parts of the city of Volubilis ...
#1 The Decumanus Maximus, the main road of the city from the Gate of Tingis (Tangier) to the Arch of Caracalla, the Triumphal Arch.
#2 Mosaic of the Four Seasons in situ in the House of the Labours of Hercules.
#3 Inside the House of Dionysos, the god of wine and festivity.
#5 to #11 The House of the Labours of Hercules, a mosaic representing the twelve labors of Hercules, including the Cretan bull of Minos,
birds Stymphalian and the Augean stables.