On Day 4, in the afternoon our group went to Fes el Bali, the oldest walled part of Fes, Morocco. Fes el Bali was founded as the capital of the first Moroccan dynasty in 789 AD by Idris I.
Many of the first inhabitants were refugees fleeing from an uprising in Cordoba (modern-day Spain). It is the location of the Medina of Fez (Fes is the Moroccan spelling), a labyrinth of
walkways and hundreds of shops selling just about everything.

Above: Entering the Fes Medina.
1 to 9 show our group entering the Fes Medina in a back entrance, walking through thin walkways to get to a main walkway with many shops.
10 and 11 show us walking in a walkway with many shops.
Touch a number for a picture

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