Dr. J was fortunate enough to take a trip in late July and early August to Munich, Salzburg, Amsterdam and Paris. Here are some pictures from the first two days in Paris.

Basilique du Sacré-Coeur (Sacred Heart) is the Roman Catholic Basilica that was built between 1875 and 1914 as a national penance for the supposed excesses of the Second Empire of France, for the socialist (the horror!) Paris Commune of 1871, and
for the establishment of conservative moral order in the wild-living Montmartre area. It is a magnificent cathedral.
Touch a number to see a picture

Flower power in Montmartre

Sacré-Coeur Basilica

Walking up the steps to Sacré-Coeur Basilica

View down into the lower Montmartre area from Sacré-Coeur

View of Paris from Sacré-Coeur

Street performer soccer player displays a wide range of skills ...

Including a ball resting on his head

Detail of the front of Sacré-Coeur

Side view of the Basilica

Detail of the side of Sacré-Coeur

A gargoyle on the side of of Sacré-Coeur, and he doesn't look happy