Above: Avenue Jean Jaurès, named after the 1902 French socialist leader who was assassinated just prior to World War I.
Below: Picture 1 is along Avenue Laumière (going right), named after a French general killed in the 19th century during the Second
Franco-Mexican War, when the Mexican president suspended all interest payments on foreign debts owed by the Mexican government.
Pictures 2, 9 and 10 show the Jaurès locks on the Canal Saint-Martin.
Pictures 3 and 4 are from my dinner along the Canal Saint-Martin.
Pictures 5 to 8 show the Place de la Bataille-de-Stalingrad by Canal Saint-Martin, with La Rotunde its focal point.
Pictures 11 and 12, walking along the Canal Saint-Martin.
Pictures 13 shows a 1906 residence across from my hotel.