Above: The Musée d'Orsay by the Seine River.
Below: Pictures 1 and 2 are views of the museum from the rear of the building.
Picture 3, "Les nymphes, la foret et la mer", by Francis Auburtin.
Picture 4, "Herculaneum, 23rd of August, 79 A.D.", by Hector Leroux, about the Vesuvius eruption that engulfed the town of Herculaneum, very near Pompeii.
Picture 5, "A Woman and her Dog", by Gustave Courbet.
Picture 6, "Les Almées", by Paul Bouchard.
Picture 7, "The Romans and the Decadance", by Thomas Couture.
Picture 8, "The Birth of Venus", by Alexandre Cabanel.
Picture 9, no it is not "Bite Me". It is "Dante And Virgil In Hell", by William-Adolphe Bouguereau. This was not well received by the public, so Bouguereau began to
create finely crafted and classical paintings for which he is best known, which sold well, made him a rich man, and a powerful controller of the French Salon, the annual
art show that could make or break an artist. Because of him, Cabanel and others who controlled the Salon. The French Government created the Salon des Refusés in 1863
for works the Salon refused to display because the works did not conform to classical norms. Think Manet, Monet and Renoir, whose work rarely got accepted by the Salon.
Picture 10, "Olympia", by Édouard Manet, which caused scandal, not because the painting wasn't good, or similar to past classical work, but because
the lady was not a mythological, biblical or historical figure, but because she was evidently a modern woman, actually a Paris prositute.
Picture 11, "The Gleaners", by Jean-François Millet.
Picture 12, "The Angelus", by Jean-François Millet. The hard-working peasants bow in a field over a basket of food to say a prayer,
the Angelus, that together with the ringing of the bell from the church on the horizon marks the end of a day's work.
Pictures 13, "l'hommage à Delacroix", by Henri Fantin-Latour, when like minded artists and writers felt French painter did not receive proper recognition when he died.