Above: A segment of the tile painting in the Bastille Ligne 1 station.
Below: Picture 1 shows the Bastille, not just for the storming of the Bastille to start the French Revolution of 1789, but
to commemorate the 2nd French Revolution, the "three glorious days" of July 27-29, 1830, where the Bourbon King Charles X
was removed by popular will and replaced with Louis Phillippe of Orleans (who would himself be overthrown in 1948).
Pictures 2 to 6 are views within the Jardins des Tuileries.
Pictures 7 to 13 show views around the Louvre pyramid, including a happy couple just wed, a selfie with a local selling souvenirs,
an individual pretending to hold the pyramid in their hand and a few ladies walking in one of the pools by the pyramid.
Pictures 14 and 15 show tile painting segments in the Bastille Ligne 1 station.
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