Above: Île Saint-Louis as seen from the parkette at the back of Notre Dame de Paris cathedral.
Below: Picture 1 shows the back of Notre Dame de Paris catheral.
Pictures 2 to 5 show views of Île Saint-Louis as seen from the parkette.
Picture 6 shows a police vehicle, one of many at prime tourist areas of Paris, alert for terrorists who fortunately never came.
Pictures 7 and 8 shows the beginning of Canal St. Martin, which flows north and out of Paris.
Picture 9, July 27, 28 and 29, revolution breaks out in Paris against King Charles X, and brought to power
Louis-Philippe. The three days of fighting are also called Les Trois Glorieuses (Three Glorious (Days). Louis-Philippe would be deposed
Picture 10 shows some guy with a backpack at Aéroport de Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, ready to go back to Canada.