On Day 4, it was Monday, and many key attractions in Paris - Orsay, Versailles, the Catacombs - are closed. So we went to the Louvre. We entered in good time in the morning,
and it is the largest museum in the world, but the place was packed as it usually is on a Monday (it's closed Tuesday). After seeing plenty of art, sculpture and beautiful objects,
we had lunch in the Latin Quarter, and ended the day with a Sandeman's walking tour around the historical area of Paris, hearing several entertaining stories from our tour guide.

In the Louvre Museum, from the 2nd century A.D., greek statues from Thessaloniki, currently the second largest city in Greece after Athens.
1 shows Greek Barbie Dolls from around 3000 B.C., older than the pyramids, older than writing.
2 is a ceiling fresco, one of many in the Louvre that often rival the art on the walls.
3 to 5 are wall frescos from Italy, painted by Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi) 1483-1485. Using the residents as models,
pictures 3 and 4 show Venus and the three graces, while 5 shows a young men presenting to Venus the seven liberal arts.
6 to 8 show the largest painting in the Louvre, the "Wedding Feast at Cana" by Paolo Veronese 1562-1563. He included himself (on viola) and painter Titian (on bass) in the band.
9 and 10 is "Jupiter and Antiope" by Titian (Tiziano Vecellio)