Above: Five French kings adorn the front of the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral.
1, 2 and 11 show stained glass on the souther wall of the cathedral. Originally, the stained glass showed biblical scenes but during World War 2
much glass was destroyed, and the stained glass panes were replaced by glass featuring geometric shapes and limited colour.
3 and 4 show stained glass and the northern central face of the catheral. In 3 the glass located just below the rose window shows various kings.
5 and 6 show two of the dozens of side chapels in the cathedral.
7 to 10 shows description of the building process of the cathedral, from 1163 to 1245 to 1300 (exterior finished) to 1860 (the restoration).
12 shows the southern central face of the church and its rose window.
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