Above: "The Birth of Venus" by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863.
1 is "The Laundress" by Ernest Héebert, 1869.
2 is "The Mountain Nymphs" by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1902.
3 is walking along the Seine River by the Musée d'Orsay.
4 is one of two Luxor obelisks that are over 3000 years old,in the Place de la Concorde (one was returned to Egypt). It is the place where Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
lost their heads during the French Revolution. Each year the Egyptian government politely asks for its return, and each year the French government says I'm sorry, no.
5 is a view of the fountain in the central pool of the Jardins des Tuleries.
6 and 7 are from the Sacré-Cœur Basilica, which means Sacred Heart, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
8 is a the mosaic in the apse entitled "Christ in Majesty", created by Luc-Olivier Merson, and is among the largest in the world.
9 is stained glass at the entrance to the Basilica.
10 and 11 are two tile mosaics in side chapels in Sacré-Cœur Basilica.
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