Above: At the National Archeological Museum, a room of Parian marble statues found at Attica, primarily from the 5th century BC.
1 shows gold plaques and necklaces from Midea, 12th century BC.
2 shows a large krater with soldiers in full uniform, Mycenae Acropolis from 12th century BC.
3 shows the walled neolithic village hear Thessaly, 6800-3200 BC.
4 is a pig shaped vase and amphikypellon cup, from Poliochni on the island of Lemnos, during the 3rd millenium BC.
5 shows early Cycladic pottery found at Phylakopi, Melos, from 2300-2000 BC.
6 shows a room of Parian marble statues found at Attica.
7 is red clay pottery showing Herakles fighting the Libyan giant Antaios, from Attica around 500 BC.
8 to 11 show various statues, including a Sounian athlete in the Temple of Athena, and Zeus or Poseidon holding a thunderbolt, both around 460 BC.