1 to 3, 8 and 9 show the Western Desert ... notice the quite nice rock fence in #3 ... not exactly sure what the fence is enclosing, except desert.
4 and 5 show the fairly recent aquaducts and artificial lake with water flowing from the Nile River, in Egypt's "Reclaim the Desert" program ... an effort
to settle parts of the desert, irrigate fields and grow crops. So the government in 1997 encouraged people to move to the desert by pressing ahead
with an estimated $70 billion plan to reclaim 4 million acres of desert. The project stalled by 2011, but was revived in 2020 by the government.
6 and 7 show crops growing in the desert, often in circular/oval fields, using water pumped from the Nile aqueducts.
10 to 12 show small pickup trucks and motorcycle trailers, with worker sitting on the sides, occasionally with legs dangling out over the highway.