Above: The front of the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral, with (L to R) the Portal of the Virgin, Portal of the Last Judgment, and Portal of St-Anne.
1 to 3 show views of the sculpting at Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral, the Portal of the Portal of the Virgin Mary.
4 to 6 show views of the sculpting at Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral, the Portal of the Portal of St. Anne.
7 shows the dragon in Place St. Michel.
8 shows the front of the Musée de Cluny, home to medieval art, from paintings to tapestries, and stained glass to sculptures.
9 and 10 show a wooden altar piece with scenes of the infant Jesus, and the Passion of the Christ, created in the 1500's.
11 shows a tapestry from the 1500's.
12 and 13 show the Pieta de Tarascon, created in Avignon in 1457, featuring Mary Magdalene tending to the feet of Jesus.