Above: Several frames of a wall hanging tapestry from Brussels from around 1500, part of 23 scenes from the legend of St. Etienne.
1 to 5 is information and detail from the Lady and the Unicorn series of Tapestries.
6 is the second part of the dual tapestry, this one with the growing of the grapes in making wine.
7 and 8 are more tapestries from around 1500.
9 is an elephant ivory carving from the 6th century of Ariane.
10 are ruins just outside the Hôtel de Cluny building.
11 and 12 are two gilded figural groups, Charles Gumery's La Poésie (Poetry) and L'Harmonie (Harmony) on the top of the front of the Palais Garnier.
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