Leopoldskron Lake, right in the middle of the town of Salzburg
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Schloss Leopoldskron, the beginning of the Sound of Music tour. Be prepared for sugar shock. The back of Captain von Trapp's villa was filmed here for the movie.

Dr. J on Lake Leopoldskroner

Rear view of Hohensalzburg Fortress

The gazebo now located at Hellbrun Palace, where I Am Sixteen, Going On Seventeen was partially filmed, although most of the filming was done in a much larger gazebo on a Hollywood soundstage.

In the Hellbrun Palace gardens

A view of Hellbrun Palace

Villa where the front of Captain von Trapp's villa was filmed, where Maria sings about Confidence and such

St. Gilgen and Lake Wolfgang, where some of the opening scenes of the Sound of Music were filmed. Mrs. Mozart came from this area, and named her son after this lake.

Dr. J by Lake Wolfgang

Another view of Lake Wolfgang

Still another view of Lake Wolfgang