Here are the gardens of Hellbrun Palace, the summer home of the Archbishop. Salzburg was ruled as a Catholic City State, a beacon of
Catholicism for the Vatican among the rising tide of Protestantism. In 1731, Archbishop Leopold Anton von Firmian
signed an edit to banish all protestants from Salzburg, and over 20000 professed Protestant beliefs, and left Salzburg,
most taken in by Prussia. There are 43 churches in Salzburg, a city of around 150,000, and 42 of them are Catholic.
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The back of Hellbrun Palace, by the waterpark

Austrian students in the waterpark

Mechanical music-playing theatre, built in 1750

Close-up of characters in the theatre

People trying to evade the trick fountains that come on without notice

The unicorn guards the Palace from the Hellbrun gardens

Hellbrun gardens

Hellbrun Palace

View from Hellbrun Palace

Germaul, a water automat in the Palace. When his mouth fills with water, his tounge sticks out and his eyes roll up.