Madeira Island
October 4, 2019

Above: The Novice nuns' meeting room.
1 and 2 show the Clairesse nuns meeting room.
3 shows the doors which were opened only for church services, where the nuns would watch the service through these bars ... they weren't allowed in the church
when other parishoners were there.
5 shows St. Anthony of Padua, who is known as St. Anthony of Lisbon because Anthony was a Portuguese person who spent the first 20 years of his life around Lisbon.
eventually joining a Franciscan order established just 11 years before his joining it. He landed in Sicily, in his early 20's and died at 35 years in Padua.
6 and 7 shows carved wooden nun faces, made in the 1500's, for each nun in the convent, based on the faces of the actual nuns of the time. #7 is for the Abbess.
8 tour guide Susan is in a typical room that a nun would live in, now a place for the children to meet.
9 to 12 is the Novice nuns' room, and the bars they would look through to watch church services.