Madeira Island
October 4, 2019

Above: The children's play area at the southwest end of the convent.
1 is the alterpiece in the Clairesse nuns' room ... note Jesus is not part of the painting, but a wooden carving.
2 and 3 shows place where valuables would be kept in the Clairesse room ... many nuns were daughters of nobles who brought large sums of wealth to the convent.
4 is a chair that a nun would use when meeting in the Clairesse ... note in 2 to 4, the nun's head carvings are not originals, and pretty similar looking instead of unique.
5 to 7 show artworks in the Clairesse room.
8 is a 15th century painting of Jesus on wood, by a nun in the convent ... note female characteristics, the rounded stomach and breast area ... nuns did not know male anatomy.
9 is a tile in the Novice nuns meeting room.
10 shows a doll that the Abbess would, every Christmas, hide in a place in the convent for the nun's to try and find.
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