Madeira Island
October 4, 2019

Above: The roof of the Altar of Saint Francis Xavier in the Saint John the Evangelist College Church.
1 is the Altar of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
2 is the Altar of Our Lady of Populo.
5 is the Altar of The Lord of the Divine Mercy.
4 is a portable organ.
5 is the Altar of Saint Francis Xavier.
6 is the nave of Saint John the Evangelist College Church.
7 is an example of the painting of the church columns ... tile artwork on the bottom, Romanesque/Greek painting in red in the middle and regular painting on top.
The King of Portugal in that era decreed that he didn't want to see white on the walls, every inch should be decorated.
8 the front alter of St. John the Evangelist Church ... top, Saint Francis of Borja, St. John the Evangelist, Saint Louis Gonzaga, bottom, Saint Inacio of Loyola and Saint Francis Xavier.
9 is a Romanesque style painting of a church column.
10 is the statue outside the art musuem near the College Church.
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