On Day 10, we left Essaouira for Casablanca, our last day on tour. Before arriving, we made two main stops ... along the way. First, for lunch
and a bit of relaxation, we stopped in the beach town of Oualidia. Next we travelled to El Jadida, a major Atlantic coast port in Morocco.
The fortified city, built by the Portuguese at the beginning of the 16th century and named Mazagan (Mazagão), was given up by the Portuguese in 1769
and then incorporated into Morocco. Finally, we arrived at our hotel in Casablanca, and after dinner, some romantic Italian singing and goodbyes, it
was timne to violently squish all my clothing, stuff and a few souvenirs into a carry-on suitcase that was virtually full when I left Canada.

Above: Travelling off the Atlantic coast of Morocco, by the foothills of the Atlas Mountains.
1 to 2 show the fancy elevator covers and breakfast at the Atlas hotel.
3 to 5, 9 and 10 show camels ready for a hike, sheep safely grazing near the highway and donkeys in a small village and on a farm.
6 and 7 are examples of fancily painted doors at the entrance to farms.
8 to 10 show the desert countryside leaving Marrakech.
11 show argan trees on an irrigated patch of land in the desert.
