Above: The Marlin Amethyst enters the Miraflores lock from the northern end.
1, 6 and 7 show the Marlin Amethyst driving into the lock.
2 to 4 show the new super locks to the west of Miraflores, and the Panamax-sized LNG Steno Bulk entering from the north.
5 is inside the Miraflores museum, restaurant and observation building.
8 shows two of the electric mules running on the lock walls used for side-to-side and braking control in the locks. Forward motion into and through
the locks is actually provided by the ship's engines and not the mules.
9 shows the double lock gates in the lock on the right, and how high the northern water level is compared to the lock on the left. There are two
locks to pass through ... a final gate on the southern end where the Pacific Ocean is somewhat lower than the left lock shown here.