Above: Hydro-electric turbines beside the Miraflores Locks, the first locks on the Panama Canal.
1 shows the traffic jam going into the city just west of Panama City, La Chorrera.
3 and 4 show the cookie-cutter homes in a subdivision of La Chorrera. These homes are social housing, with prices controlled by the government, currently under $100,000
(we saw some brand new ones being advertised for $95,000 and $98,000). The colourful homes seen on previous pages are private homes, more spacious, with porches and a bit of land.
Originally the government permitted citizens to grab a piece of unused land and build a home there and the land and home became theres, but the government no longer permits that
as the population keeps expanding.
5 to 8 show around the Panama Canal, first the Pedro Miguel Locks, then the Miraflores Locks area, the first locks from the south.