El Valle de Antón (Anton Valley), Panamá
January 26, 2025

Above: The Legend of the Sleeping Princess mountain ... Flor del Aire was the daughter of Urraca, the most successful Chief in Panama fighting against
the Conquistadores. She fell in love with one of the Spanish soldiers. But Yavari, one of the strongest fighters of her tribe, also vied for her affection.
When she did not return his love, in despair, he jumped to his death from a mountain top before the Princess' eyes. In sorrow, Princess Flor del Aire left
her home and never saw the Spaniard again. Above the beaches of the Caribbean she fell dead looking back at the mountains where she had been born.
The mountains were so touched by this sad love story they decided to form the shape of the Princess, and that is how the Dormida mountain arose.
1 to 3 ... a very nervous Coyote, but he did allow guests to pet him.
4 to 6 and 9 ... a horse and some homes around El Valle de Antón town.
7 and 8 ... the Sleeping Princess mountain.
10 and 11 ... three-toed sloth enjoys a meal of leaves in the trees ... the sloth was in the exact same tree two years ago when I visited.