Paris: Day 4
June 14, 2022

Above: Les Âges de l'ouvrier, by Léon Frédéric, 1895. The left-hand panel shows the men engaged in heavy labour; on the right-hand panel the women are nursing their babies.
The middle panel covers childhood and youth with a parade of youngsters coming out of school, and workers leaving their workshops or worksites.
1 to 3 show the view from the rear of Musée d'Orsay from the 5th floor.
Artwork inside Musée d'Orsay ...
... 4 Le Chat Noir was a cabaret nightclub in the Montmartre district of Paris which opened in 1881 and closed in 1897 upon the owner's death.
... 5 Women in the Garden, Pierre Bonnard, 1891. Four panels originally planned to be screen.
... 6 Homage to Cézanne, Maurice Denis, 1900. Like Fantin-Latours homage to Delacroix, these Nabis painters including Odilon Redon on the far left,
Maurice Denis fifth from left, and Pierre Bonnard, the most right male celebrate a still life of Cézanne's.
... 7 La Dame au Jardin Clos, by Maurice Denis, 1894.
... 8 Hercules the Archer, by Emile-Antoine Bourdelle, 1909. Bourdelle was originally an assistant of Rodin.
... 9 Judgement of Paris, by Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Richard Guino, 1914.
... 10 Monument à Jean-Jacques Rousseau, by Albert Bartholomé, 1910. Gauguin equates his suffering as an artist to that of Christ.
... 11 L'Âge mûr (The Mature Age), by Camille Claudel, 1897. Claudel was sculptor Auguste Rodin's student, they worked together extensively, and they started a reportedly
torrid affair. But he dumped her and returned to his wife. This work shows a young woman imploring an older man not to leave her, as he's led
away by an old emaciated woman.