Above: Égalité devant la mort (Equality before death), by William Bouguereau, 1848. Bouguereau was at one time considered the greatest painter in the world, and received top
prices for his work, some paintings sold before he completed them. He was reviled by the Impressionist avant-garde painters and was instrumental in keeping their work out
of the salon as its president for several years. By the early twentieth century, Bouguereau and his art fell out of favor, but in the 1980s, a revival of interest in figure painting
led to a rediscovery of Bouguereau and his paintings more recently have sold in the millions of dollars.
Artwork inside Musée d'Orsay ...
... 1 Saint John Baptiste, by Auguste Rodin, 1878-1881.
... 2 Saint John Baptiste, by Jean Dampt, 1881.
... 3 La Vierge au Lis, by Eugene Delaplance, 1878.
... 4 Tanagra, by Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1890.
... 5 and 6 Les Nubiens, by Ernest Barrios, 1894.
... 7 La Prophétesse Libuse, by Karel Masek, 1865.
... 8 Jeune Filles au Bord de la Mer, by Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, 1879.
... 9 La Jeune République, by Alfred Roll, 1908.
... 10 Scènes de L'Inquisition en Espagne, by Gabriel Ferrier, 1879.