Santorini (Thira)
July 19, 2018

Above: One of the few carved objects from Ancient Thera not taken away to a museum.
1 to 4 show ruins of buildings in the sacred and administrative district.
5, 6 and 8 show the beach town of Perissa.
7 is from the 3rd century BC, the Sanctuary of the Egyptian gods Serapis, Isis and Anubis. Serapis was a god ordered to be created by Ptolemy 1 to
unify the Greeks and Egyptians. Isis was one of the main goddesses in Egyptian and later Greek and Roman relgions. She is one of the main characters
of the Osiris myth, in which she resurrects her slain husband, the divine king Osiris, and produces and protects his heir, Horus.
She was believed to help the dead enter the afterlife. Anubis is the god associated with mummification and the afterlife in ancient Egyptian religion,
often seen with a canine head. The niches in the rocks are there to hold offerings to the gods.
9 and 10 is the Temple of Apollo Pythios, a Doric style temple dedicated to Dionysos (or Dionysus) dating to the 3rd century BC. It was later made into a three aisled Basilica in the 6th century AD.