Egypt: Day 4
September 19, 2022
Above: Hieroglyphs on the walls of The Temple of Isis at Philae. Here, L to R, Anuket, the goddess of the Nile River, stands beside Isis
feeding Horus as a baby, with the Pharaoh wearing the lower Egypt crown offering gifts. Then the Pharaoh converses with the Sun god, Ra.
1 shows baby god Horus enjoying a meal from his mother Isis.
2 to 5 show more wall hieroglyphs in a small room off the main temple, and columns in the front of the Temple of Isis.
6 shows one last shot of the Outer Court and First Pylon to the Temple of Isis.
7 shows Robert and Robbin on the boat leaving Philae.
8 shows the Kiosk of Emperor Trajan on the left, the ruins of the Temple of Hathor on the right. Hathor is the goddess of the sky,
feminity, love, sex and joy.
9 shows the rear of the complex with Roman gateway built by Emperor Diocletian, 284-305 AD.
10 Agilkia Island with the Philae complex, seen from the sky, picture found on the internet.