Paris: Day 7
June 17, 2022

Above: Looking west, walking on the Mont-Saint-Michel bay, where the Couesnon River comes out.
1 is by the Grand Roue (wheel), where supplies would be brought up by chain from way down below.
2 is Saint-Étienne Chapel, built 1154-1164 AD, with what's left of an original fresco.
3 is the north stairwell that goes to the bottom of the Abbey.
4 and 5 show a noisy seagull looking over the bay.
6 is Tombelaine, in the bay 3.5 km northeast of Mont-Saint-Michel. Its name is believed to mean "tomb of Hélène", from a princess named Hélène,
daughter of King Hoël (a late 5th- and early 6th-century King of Brittany), said to have been buried on the rock
7 and 8 show the view eastwards leaving the Abbey.
9 are the ramparts of Mont-Saint-Michel where villagers or soldiers would defend the island.
10 and 11 are leaving Mont-Saint-Michel to get to the shuttle back to the parking area, and then walking away from the massive line for the shuttles,
due to at least one shuttle being out of commission.
12 Yes, biking into the island is a great idea ... very little wind and better than walking the 2.6 kilometres in the extreme heat.