Egypt: Day 2
September 17, 2022
After lunch on Day 2, the group visited the Egyptian Museum, officially the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, until the museum's closing. Lots to see,
and our guide Ahmed received his university degree at this museum, studying Egypt history and hieroglyph interpretation.
The Egyptian Museum in Cairo is home to an extensive collection of ancient Egyptian antiquities, about 120,000 items in total, with representative items on display and
the rest in storerooms. In November 2022, the museum is due to be superceded by the newer and larger Grand Egyptian Museum at Giza. Here are some pictures.

Above: Driving through Cairo on the way to the Egyptian Museum.
1 to 6 show homes and businesses, often the top floor with no roof, plus the fairly common site of three (sometimes four) people on a motorcycle.
7 shows Tahrir Square featuring an ancient obelisk from the reign of Ramses II, unearthed at Tanis in 2019, installed here in 2020.