Above: Ancient Papyrus scrolls, featuring the girl and the crocodile in the top scroll, around 1000 BC.
1 shows the statue of Pharoah Khafre, from his burial temple in Giza, he of the Khafre Pyramid in Giza, from around 2500 BC.
2 to 4 show three versions of Pharaoh Menkaure (son of Khafre, with the smallest of the three large pyramids of Giza), the goddess Hathor on his
right, and female figures representing three provinces of Egypt to his left.
5 shows Seneb and his family, a priest of high rank in the 4th dynasty, 2575-2323 BC.
6 shows a statue of Pharaoh Mentuhotep II Nebheptre, reigning 2060-2009 BC, who unified Egypt for the second time after Narmer.
7 is a Statue of Pharaoh Hatshepsut, likely the first female ruler of Egypt. She ruled as regent to Thutmose III, a son of Thutmose II by another wife and
the first male heir. While Thutmose III had inherited the throne at about two years old, Hatshepsut continued to rule by asserting her lineage as the
daughter and only child of Thutmose I and his primary wife, Ahmose..
8 and 9 show an ancient wooden statue.
11 shows a sandstone chapel from Pharaoh Thutmose III, with him making an offering to the god Amen-Ra, with goddess Hathor on the side.