Egypt: Day 2
September 17, 2022

Above: Casket from the 1300's BC found with Yuya's.
1 is the gilded coffin of Thuya, wife of Yuya ... their daughter Tiye, became the Great Royal Wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III, from around 1370 BC.
2 to 5 show the inside coffin and mummy of Yuya from around 1374 BC. He died between 50-60 years old, quite old for an ancient Egyptian.
The coffin has vulture wings over him ... at his feet was the goddess Isis, and at his head the goddess Nephthys kneeling to protect the mummy.
6 shows a number of burial statues and sarcophagus on the first floor looking down from the second floor.
7 shows a baby sarcophagus.
8 shows Pharaoh Tutankhamun's sarcophagus.