Egypt: Day 2
September 17, 2022

Above: Ancient Papyrus scrolls, with a Pharaoh and his wife, and lots of ancient symbol, such as the Ankh, cross shape but with a teardrop-shaped
loop in place of a vertical upper bar ... the key of life, representative of eternal life, the symbol dating to 3000 BC.
1 is the Anubis Shrine, made of wood with black and gold paint, part of the burial equipment of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun.
3 is a second floor room, one of several I walked through without stopping. Can't complain, we had three full hours until closing.
4 and 5 show detail from Papyrus scrolls, including four gods, and a queen.
6 shows the colossal statue of Pharaoh Amenhotep III and his great wife Tiye.
7 and 8 show the interior room on the first floor, featuring the Pyramidion from the pyramid of Amenemhat III in the foreground centre.
9 shows a hallway on the first floor.