Egypt: Day 2
September 17, 2022

Above: Rahotep and Nofret, Pharaoh Sneferu's son and son's wife, and brother of Pharaoh Khufu of the Great Pyramid of Giza fame.
1 shows the Cairo Tower, near the museum and the Nile River.
2 shows the entrance to the Egyptian Museum.
3 shows a colossal statue at the entrance inside the Egyptian Museum.
4 and 5 show the colossal statue of the Great Ramesses, or Ramesses II (of Moses and Ten Commandments fame). His son and successor
Merenptah carved himself into the statue after Ramesses II's death..
6 and 7 is the Narmer Palette from around 3000 BC, shows the long process of unifying Lower and Upper Egypt.
8 shows a statue of Pharaoh Khasekhem 2676-2649 BC, wearing the white crown of Upper Egypt, and on the base are enemy names,
and that he slayed 48,205 of his enemies. Brag much.
9 shows the Blue-Green tiles that lined the burial chamber of Pharaoh Djoser, from around 2640 BC.
10 and 11 show Rahotep and Nofret, Pharaoh Sneferu's son and son's wife, also Pharaoh Khufu's brother (he of the Great Pyramid of Egypt), from 2575-2551 BC.
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