Egypt: Day 3
September 18, 2022
After a delightful (sarcasm) 13 hour overnight train ride, we arrived in Aswan and went to our hotel, to clean up and shower before lunch. Best lunch on the trip, maybe the best meal
overall. Then it was back to the hotel, relax, swim ...
A number of our group took a tour of the Nile, taking a sailboat to Elephantine Island to see the Aswan Museum and Temple of Satet complex, first built in 3200 BC but changing throughout
Egyptian history up to 30 BC. Then we sailed to Sehel (Seheil) Island to hike to the quarry hieroglyphs and Famine Stela, and then visit a Nubian Village.
Above: View of the Western Desert from the Cairo-Aswan train.
1 to 3 and 5 to 11 ... views from the train of the Nile River. Lots of greenery, crops and farming on the Nile side of the train, but desert and rocky
terrain on the other side of the train.
4 shows breakfast on the train ... bread, bread and more bread.
12 shows a bus stop shelter on the road into Aswan.