Egypt: Day 3
September 18, 2022

Above: Several ancient coffins at the Aswan Museum, which first opened in 1917.
1 and 2 show the group on the sailboat, and the elaborate roof of the sailboat.
3 shows more of the east bank of the Nile River in Aswan.
4, 5 and 9 show the Archangel Michael’s Coptic Orthodox Christian Cathedral.
6 shows a carving on a rock by the Nile River's edge, and a good view of the water level being lower than it's regular higher point in the spring.
7 and 8 show our arrival at Elephantine Island.
10 and 11 show Emina playing with a stray cat.
12 shows a Nilometer, used to go down and measure the clarity and water level of the Nile.