Egypt: Day 3
September 18, 2022

Above: A view of southern Aswan from our sailboat, on the eastern bank of the Nile River.
1 shows the Tolip Hotel from the sailboat in the Nile River.
2 and 3 show Robbin and Kim respectively in the sailboat sailing the Nile River.
4 and 5 show a fisherman on the Nile River slapping the water to scare the fish into his net.
6 water levels vary in the Nile River and in the fall, water levels tend to be lower, allowing grass areas to show through.
7 shows a closer view of the Qubbet el-Hawa or "Dome of the Wind", the final resting place for pharaohs and high-ranking officials.
8 to 11 show groups members dancing with the first mate ... Leslie and Alex in #8, Kim in #9, Ian and Marion in #10, Emina in #11.
12 shows tour guide Ahmed talking the Nile and Elephantine Island, our first stop.